Privacy Notice

This document is the privacy notice of the Website, which is responsible for the processing of your personal data provided to our company.

Personal Data: Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.


Categories according to your intentions:
1. Contact:
– Full name
– Organization or Company you work for
– Email
– Home, office, and/or cell phone number
– Location

2. Data Registration (Customers and Suppliers):
– Full name
– Organization or Company you work for
– Position held
– Address (Street, Number, Neighborhood, City, State, Postal Code, Country)
– Email
– Home, office, and/or cell phone number
– Federal Taxpayer Registration

3. Applicant, Intern, or Employee:
– Full name
– Federal Taxpayer Registration
– Employee of the organization
– Email
– Unique Population Registry Code
– Social Security Number
– Phone number
– Gender
– Date of birth
– Nationality
– Family details
– Education
– Personal references
– Income and debts
– Payroll bank account number
– Current and previous employment

Sensitive Data
You declare that you have not provided “sensitive personal data.” The Holder will not provide nor be required by the Controller to provide any Data related to racial or ethnic origin, current and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, or sexual preference.

We may collect the aforementioned data in the following ways:

1. When you provide them directly to us,
2. When you visit our website or request information through our web page,
3. When we obtain information through other sources permitted by law.

They will be processed for the following purposes:

1. To provide efficient service and better attention to our customers,
2. To improve your experience when hiring our services,
3. To improve delivery times of our products or services,
4. To fulfill obligations contracted with our customers,
5. To send you promotions, offers, and advertising campaigns via email or postal mail,
6. To inform you about new products and services that may interest you,
7. To conduct studies on consumption habits,
8. To evaluate the quality of our products and services,
9. To evaluate prospects for filling vacancies within our company,
10. To process payroll payments for employees,
11. To comply with obligations arising from the labor relationship between the Employer and the employee as stipulated by social security or tax laws or any other applicable laws.


The Website has an Information Security Management System to ensure the protection of the personal data you provide.

Cookies are text files automatically downloaded and stored on the user’s computer’s hard drive when browsing a specific Internet page, allowing the Internet server to remember some data about this user, including their preferences for viewing pages on that server, name, and password.

Web beacons are images inserted into an Internet page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, such as storing information about the user’s IP address, duration of interaction on that page, and the type of browser used, among others.

We inform you that we use “cookies” and “web beacons” to obtain personal information from you, such as:

– Your type of browser and operating system,
– The Internet pages you visit,
– The links you follow,
– The IP address,
– The site you visited before entering ours.

These cookies and other technologies can be disabled.


You can stop receiving promotional messages by phone or cell phone, by postal mail, or by email by following the steps below.


Your personal data may be transferred within and outside the country by third parties. In this sense, your information may be shared with our business partners who provide hosting services for our Website. If you do not express your opposition to your personal data being transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent for it.We may transfer personal data without the consent of its owner, held in our databases exclusively between the parent companies of this last entity and/or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries, as stipulated by the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals. (Art. 37 section III).

MEANS TO EXERCISE YOUR ARCO RIGHTS (Access, Rectification, Cancellation, and Opposition)

The holder may exercise the rights conferred by the Law, requesting the Controller at any time access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition regarding the personal data conferred, by sending a written request that must contain at least the following:

1. Include the name and autograph signature of the holder, as well as an address or other means to communicate the response to your request (email),
2. Accompany your request with official documents proving the identity of the holder, or where appropriate, the legal representation of the holder,
3. Include a clear and precise description of the personal data regarding which the rights mentioned above will be exercised,
4. Include any element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data in question.

In both cases, once your ARCO rights exercise request is submitted, you will automatically receive a response acknowledging receipt of your request, assigning a tracking number; it is free, and the Holder must only cover the costs of shipping, reproduction, and certification of documents.

We reserve the right to change, modify, supplement, and/or alter this notice at any time, in which case it will be made known through any of the means established by the relevant legislation.

When registering your data or information provided to our company, you can consult this Privacy Notice, which you will explicitly consent to electronically. I consent and authorize that my personal data be processed in accordance with the provisions of this privacy notice.




Our privacy policy describes how we collect, store, or use the information we collect through the different services or pages available on this site. It is important that you understand what information we collect and how we use it since access to this site implies acceptance of our privacy policy.


Access to this site may involve the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information stored in the browser used by each user so that the server remembers certain information that can later be used. This information allows you to be identified as a specific user and allows you to save your personal preferences as well as technical information such as visits or specific pages you visit.
Users who do not wish to receive cookies or want to be informed before they are stored on their computer can configure their browser for this purpose.

Most browsers today allow cookie management in 3 different ways:

1. Cookies are never accepted.
2. The browser asks the user if each cookie should be accepted.
3. Cookies are always accepted.

The browser may also include the possibility to specify better which cookies should be accepted and which should not. Specifically, the user can normally accept any of the following options: reject cookies from certain domains; reject third-party cookies; accept cookies as non-persistent (they are deleted when the browser is closed); allow the server to create cookies for a different domain. In addition, browsers can also allow users to view and delete cookies individually.

More information about Cookies at:


This site may also host web beacons (also known as web bugs). Web beacons are usually tiny images, one pixel by one pixel, visible or invisible, placed within the source code of a site’s web pages. Web beacons serve and are used similarly to cookies. Additionally, web beacons are often used to measure the traffic of users who visit a web page and can draw a pattern of users of a site.

More information about web beacons at: